20年前,樂手Bob Geldof看見非洲飢荒的消息,發動了史上最大型的籌款活動Live Aid。1億美元的善款,或許是杯水車薪,救活不了數以十萬計的災民。可是這史無前例的演出陣容,帶動了傳媒的廣泛報導,讓活在富裕社會的人聽見活在另一世界的一群的哀號,當日唸小學的我,看見那骨瘦嶙峋、肚子鼓脹的影像,今天仍歷歷在目。
由2個場地,變成8個場地,Live 8應該比Live Aid觸目四倍才對,我竟然只是無意識的亂按搖控鍵,誤闖這個歷史時刻!
20年,不獨規模大了,視野也開闊了。From Charity to Justice隱含著層次的提升:從集液成裘的募捐運動,變成對財富分配不均的批判;從喚醒個人憐憫,化為追求社會公義;由呼籲民間籌集資源,變為向富裕國家領袖施壓,免除貧國債項、推動公平貿易。
Live 8的消息傳出以來,很多人質疑Bob,這樣做有用嗎?台上播出20年前災民的片段,片段最後的鏡頭,是一個依在父親懷中的垂死女孩特寫,Bob說:「就是我們20年前做的事,上星期這個女孩剛完成了農業課程考試」接著這個女孩走到台的中央,在全場感動的掌聲中與Bob擁抱,接著女孩與Madonna擁吻,在天后Like A Prayer的歌聲中走回後台......

I also watch part of the Live * on TV and on internet.
I think 7.1 and Live Aid or Live 8 are totally different thing. I don't think if I don't "walk", I didn't make a dream happen. I need to sure why I take the action, and what does it for. Sometime the focus is off as we covered ourself with slogan.
我當然明白7.1與Live 8是兩碼子的事。我只是認為,今天的人,特別是香港人,太計算結果了。但偉大的歷史往往都是意外而生的。
Actually Live 8 isn't a big issue in US. I think it is much better in Europe. By the way, I don't really enjoy the line up... haha
Ha ha. 我都麻麻o架咋,不竟不是Gatonbury或Lollapalooza!
最想睇就肯定係Roger Waters回歸的Pink Floyd啦!唔知VHS有冇錄到呢?
I also 'accidentally' discovered that Live8 was on World Channel -- as I was wondering whether it was covered in any media at all, I looked up the programme listings in all channels and found it hidden in a small corner. Alas, there was so little promotion and attention from the media -- and even from the channel which carried it.
The Hong Kong society and media has become more 'inward-looking' than ever. This is what I feel from these brief days here. If you ask me what is THE big issue for the world today, I would say it is the 3rd world debt problem. The G8 Summit in Ednburgh, the 'Making Poverty History' campaign, Live8, etc are all about this. Yet Hong Kong media are so indfferent -- TV news and most newspapers only mention them briefly as a sideline, until the noon time TVB news on 3 July.
In contrast, 20 years ago, at least Live Aid was covered prominently in the HK media. Now, the scale of the project has become moew massive but the coverage in HK is just minimal. World Channel has not even given it prominent promotion. Alas.
我時常跟人說,葉特生年代的香港早晨,每週都發放UK Chart,Billboard,還有日本Oricon,小學就看這些音樂資訊成長呢。不過,大部份人的反應是:唔係嘛?
我想現在大家也不能單從local media中吸收了。是否網絡的發達,反叫local media收縮(視野上)。
I believe the market demand dictates what is supplied in the media. Hong Kong people (as a whole) has become more introverted than before, concerned about or even preoccupied with their own selves rather than anything else -- this is true with the general public, the media, the church, etc. Dr Choi (of Breakthrough) was right when he commented some years ago that Hong Kong has become tribalised rather than globalised.
BTW, KK, President Hu Jin Tao IS part of the G8+ Summit in Edinburgh. But since he is still in Russia at the moment, the HK media is following him in that country. So, the massive coverage of G8 is to come a few days later ... perhaps!
由早一晚開始,市面的交通已經好繁忙,因為人人趕住去Hyde Park等入場.BBC主要當然係播Hyde Park最多,但也見到其他地方的直播,e.g.Berlin, Canada, Eden Project.
Really include President Hu??? The list of G8 including France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the US, the UK, Canada and Russia. What is the place of China???
昨天看MTV的Live 8專輯,看見Bob與Tony Blair一同出席一個電視節目討論交流。一個藝人與一國之首公開討論世界大事的畫面,在中國的土壤上,似乎是沒有可能。
Most of the time, the G8 summits would invite the leaders of a few prominent non G8 countries to join in their 'extended meetings'. As China is the fastest growing economy in the world today, everybody wants to befriend it.
According to Peoples' Daily English Edition:
'In Scotland, Hu will attend an informal meeting among leaders of the Group of Eight industrialized nations and five developing countries -- China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico, to discuss issues including global economy and climate change.'
Also, I'd prefer to follow the British media and be more respectful in calling people by their appropritate title. The BBC always say 'Lord Geldof' and 'Prime Minister Tony Blair' or 'the PM', rather than just calling their first names. (In a similar way, US media always call GW 'President Bush' and not George.)
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